
26 Apr 2013

So it begins, the reason why.

So I'm sitting in front of my laptop at 3:15am scratching my head hoping to somehow get my fingers into my brain in the desperation that it might help me understand how this whole blogging thing works (never mind the writing - relevance level high later). Now don't get me wrong I am no technophobe, far from it, but somehow this seems past my thinking capacity. So why do it then I may hear you ask, (or its the onset of acute madness, which my girlfriend would tell you is far from acute) well let me briefly explain.

I have only had one constant passion until recently and that was gaming, all types of gaming from a very young age all the way up to my now ripe old age of 28. Its always been a great release no matter what purpose it used for and it can vary wildly from just because its so fun, the competitive nature that is now brought from online gaming to simply just being unwilling to be defeated by those very difficult, non saveable non checkpoint auto save every five minutes culture we now live in I may add, games of old. Recently although I have ignited a new passion, one that I do not know if I either require the skill or patience for which is writing.

Now I suffer from massive illusions of grandeur and great intentions but things don't always keep rolling like the massive steam train I had hoped so when I discovered this passion I prepared myself to write an epic novel, one that would be loved by anyone who even came into the slightest contact of its presence but inevitably I lost patience, gave up and the whole idea came crashing down around me like so many before it.

I recently told my girlfriend of this silly idea I once had and to my credit I do have an idea for a novel and did write the beginning, basic plot and a few other things down at the very start of the flashing light that was my great idea at the time and to my surprise she liked it. Not only that she supports the idea, one that unlike many other ideas or notions I have had always seems to creep up and reignite without any real conviction but my girlfriend had an idea all of her own to somehow stop the niggling that haunts me when it comes knocking.

Her idea was to start blogging, just write on a weekly (daily, fortnightly, monthly...who knows for sure) basis something small to see if I could and also if it would help so I have finally decided to indeed do just that, I mean why not I thought so here I am. So what shall I blog about? With that thought then came the notion, why not blog about another small passion of becoming a writer in a gaming magazine so that's what the premise shall be about, gaming past and present.

Now don't be fooled by the title I am very much still a gamer, I just have other, healthy interests and gaming isn't the all consuming time warp it once was for me but with almost 23 years of gaming experience (and counting) I'm sure I'll have a topic or three to post and the juices will very much be proverbially flowing so please I appeal to your curiosity. If you like gaming, or have some knowledge in writing come back and check my posts from time to time, you may find something good to read or have some constructive ( I use that word very loosely) criticism to give and I would very much appreciate it. Hopefully it will be the start and continues joys of a passion that just seems to want to burst from my very existence


  1. Why do I feel I've just taken the red pill when I clicked this link......!!!!!

    Hadzy baby! :) Seems like you woke up these days with a plan - and it's a pretty damn good plan! Writing a novel is definitely on my list of things to do before I'm old and too tired for shit! Starting with a blog is a good way to warm up on those writing skills too! Well best of luck to you, stick with it and see what happens!!!

    or in the words of Francis Drake:
    "There must be a beginning of any great matter, but the continuing unto the end until it be thoroughly finished yields the true glory."

    that's the shit I learn from PS3 exclusives son!

    1. Yo :) So you came down the rabbit hole.

      Ye its been on my mind for years, even before I started my youtube channel so since its alot easier than all the work that goes into recording I thought Id finnaly start making waves.

      Thanks man, dont be a stranger.

      Nice qoute btw ;)
